Use Sensie’s cutting edge technology to tap into the wisdom of your body for instant personalized wellness.



Use Sensie’s cutting edge technology to tap into the wisdom of your body for instant personalized wellness.

Break The Mind/Body Barrier To Reach A Whole New Level…

Let Your Body Guide You

Sensie puts the power of ancient healing wisdom and the latest neuroscience breakthroughs right in the palm of your hand.  Measure your physiological state at any time, identify and clear critical sources of inner conflict, track your progress, and experience personalized health and wellness like never before.

Sensie is with you anywhere, anytime throughout your day. When you discover stress, it recommends personalized meditations to help you feel great in 3 minutes or less. Sensie provides you with personalized health insights straight from the most reliable source of all: your own body.

How It Works

Sensie uses smartphone sensors to track movement and measure muscular tension associated with thought and spoken word.

Check In With Your Body

Sensie offers a topic to consider – think and feel about

Perform The Testing Gesture

You then whip the phone 3 times

Get Real-Time Results

Sensie measures the recoil of your hand to check for muscle tension

Sensie Has Been Developed With The Help Of Researchers From:

The Science of Sensie

Muscle tension is a reflex reaction to stress. Internal and external “tension triggers” lead to the experience of stress and stressful emotions.

If we don’t clear it out, then we carry this stress beneath our conscious awareness and store it in our bodies. Over time, this autonomic stress builds up and affects our health.

Our bodies send us messages, but in today’s busy world, we tend to ignore them or try to numb the feelings. Sensie’s patented technology reads these muscle messages and identifies our sources of stress.

Once you are aware of them, you can clear them and return to a flow state. Sensie allows you to let your body guide you, so you clear autonomic stress, get back into alignment and feel good fast.



Carl, J. R., Miller, C. B., Henry, A. L., Davis, M. L., Stott, R., Smits, J. A., … & Espie, C. A. (2020). Efficacy of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for moderate‐to‐severe symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Depression and Anxiety, 37(12), 1168-1178.


J Family Med Prim Care.  2020 May; 9(5): 2207–2213.

Published online 2020 May 31. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_105_20

  1. The cerebellum governs movement and is the brains built in thought editor, according to Stanford researchers: 
    1. https://neuroscience.stanford.edu/news/cerebellum-brain-s-built-thought-editor
  2. “What the cerebellum does to motor control, it does to cognition and emotion as well.” Dr. Jeremy Schmahmann, Mass General  
    1. The Cerebellum and Cognition
    2. The role of the cerebellum in the regulation of affection, emotion, and behavior
    3. The neuropsychiatry of the cerebellum – insights from the clinic
  3. Emotions alter muscle proprioceptive coding of movements in humans
    1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-08721-4
  4. For detecting deceit kMMT (manual muscle testing) has repeatedly been found to be significantly more accurate than both intuition and chance

The accuracy and precision of kinesiology-style manual muscle testing Dr. Anne Jensen, University of Oxford

  1. Review of clinical EMG studies related to muscle and occlusal factors in healthy and TMD subjects


Check In With Your Body Anytime, Anywhere...

Are You Ready?


When the stakes are high, stress can block us from giving our best. Use Sensie to explore how your current emotions, beliefs, and feelings might affect your performance. How “in flow” are you?

If you’re blocked, Sensie gives you a simple, personalized exercise to immediately clear your nervous system. Eliminating stress responses allows you to get unstuck, feel good and perform better. No matter what you do, Sensie gives you the edge you need to be the best possible version of yourself.

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build your resilience

By identifying blocks, clearing them and checking back in with Sensie to confirm you’re in flow, you’re expanding your stress threshold and building your resilience.

With Sensie, you can be in the face of a stressful experience that used to trigger you and not even be phased by it. That’s the power of reconnecting with the wisdom of your body.

What People Are Saying About Sensie

“Sensie is a new way to demonstrate to athletes that anxiety has a physical affect on the body.”​

Kurt Bilups​

CBT Therapist

“Sensie provides feedback to alert you if stress is present in your muscles, but it is the felt experience that really created an impactful change in my awareness.”

J.T. Gyorfy

Tech Beach Co-Founder

“Sensie can help my clients get more clarity on the connection between their thoughts and feelings.”

Dana Baruch

Executive Coach

“I help people release trapped emotions to heal theirs bodies and minds. Sensie helps me do this more quickly.”

Laura Lea

Yoga Teacher
A World Without Stress...


At Sensie, we are dedicated to helping you live at your best. Our vision is to build a world of people connected to their feelings living happier, healthier lives. Our  mission is to reconnect the world to their hearts and intuitive wisdom. Download Sensie now and become part of the movement to create a world full of wisdom. 



Sensie helps you proactively manage your health and wellness better than ever before. Together let’s explore what’s possible. What does this planet look like when we love, care for and respect ourselves and honor how we feel? How do we begin to treat others when we treat ourselves this way? And where does that take us? At Sensie, we’re curious about these questions. If you are, too, download the app now and join us on the journey!



Sensie helps you proactively manage your health and wellness better than ever before. Together let’s explore what’s possible. What does this planet look like when we love, care for and respect ourselves and honor how we feel? How do we begin to treat others when we treat ourselves this way? And where does that take us? At Sensie, we’re curious about these questions. If you are, too, download the app now and join us on the journey!

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